Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Days 6 and 7: Northern Ontario

Saturday we left the u.p. for Canada but first we stopped at sue saint Marie. i got a pocket knife and molly got a slingshot with a moose whittled on it, i like my pocket knife because i use the blade to widdle spears and plan to sell them.

then we went over to the soo locks we saw a freighter go threw them it took half an hour! i will never work on a ship.

next we went to canada the bridge took 1 hour and molly barfed in the car. we got to the campground and we had a gigantic site right next to the city. it was so plain and the worst part was we couldn't have a fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the next day we relaxed and swam in waterfalls the water was super fast. we needed groceires so we went to the so called ''city'' there was nothig there.

i probably wouldn't go back but i was glad we did it.

1 comment:

  1. Great info Charlie. Nice pictures. Keep on truckin.... i want to hear all about Cedar cream ...yummmmmy
