Monday, June 17, 2019

Day 1: The Southwest Adventure Begins

We left school and we were on the road for six hours.When we got to our campground in casey,illinois we weren,t sure it was worth the drive.It was surrounded by farmland and a highway.but/casey did have something cool- it had a collection of The World's Largest Things: a golf tee, rocking chair, mailbox, windchime, pencil, birdcage, etc.  We took picures with all of them and got icecream. When we got back to our campsite, we tried to havea  frie but, of course, our Maguire camping weather kicked in--rain.


  1. I saw the world's largest fork in Missouri! We can compare photos and see who saw the most impressive item.

  2. Love this!!! That type of low key (less crowded!) tourist attraction is my favorite!!!

  3. Your trip looks like it’s off to a fun start! Charlie, your parents let you take a ukulele in the car?! They are very brave!
