Friday, June 21, 2019

Day 6: Biking Grand Canyon Rim

we biked up a huge hill and molly had to work so hard but she was actually pretty tough. we were on our way to hermits rest. molly had a rough time because she has a one speed bike.

when we got there, we had ice cream. then, we took the bus back to the hilly part of the route and cruised down it. dad didn't take the bus. in total it was 13 miles.

later, we went to a condor program  and even saw a condor. We became junior rangers and took a pledge to tell everyone how cool Grand Canyon is. So we are telling you. It's cool.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Way to recognize the hard work of Molly, #CaringCoyote #empathy; Mom and Dad should probably buy her a new bike! I look forward to the Knapp's future visit to the Grand "big" Canyon "hole in the ground" in a few years, Nora isn't all that fun in the car yet!

  3. Wow! Biking uphill is HARD!! Good job, you guys! It always helps to know that there is ice cream waiting for you, right??
