Monday, June 17, 2019

Day 3: Adios, Tornado Alley--Hola, Southwest!

we drove for six hours. we stopped at cadillac ranch and   we spray pianted cars. we went down this crazzy mountain. mom was very scared.when we got there,we unpacked.we touched a cactus andtook a hike. then our aunt nancie, uncle dave, codie and their dogs visited! Chance pooped in our campsite and charlie made a fire.

Mom and dad are still smiling! 

Cadillac Ranch

A new blogger has taken over this year

Narrow roads

Mom almost lost it

our site in new mexico

aunt nancy, uncle dave, and codie !
aunt nancy!


  1. We went to Cadillac Ranch on our trip out west as well — so fun!! Be careful with the cacti 🌵— DON’T sit on one — take my word for it! Your mom and dad know the story!

  2. Marci!! I totally forgot about that story!!! The kids are loving it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Great work Molly! Though you would like to know that Mrs. Wilson had her son, Connor. Everyone is healthy and doing well! Keep on truckin and writing!

  5. How fun! My boys would love Cadillac Ranch and spray painting! Awesome job blogging, Molly!

  6. Oh, excellent!!! We were hoping we'd hear that news soon!!! Thanks for the are pumped to realize people are actually reading their blog ��
