Friday, June 21, 2019

Day 7: Hiking Bright Angel Trail

We hiked into the grand canyonwith tons of mule poop. Finally we got to the rest stop. We filled up are drinks, ate a snack and headed back up the canyon wich was a lot harder. It was a total of five miles. At the top we had ice cream. We ended the night with one last sunset. This one was much better than the first one. A lot less crabby and mom had snacks.


  1. I've never been to the Grand Canyon. You took great pictures and your description intrigues me. I think I'll put visit the big beautiful hole on my list of places to visit

  2. Glad to hear that ice cream and snacks were involved. I wonder how Charlie learned to write with dry wit and inference, "a lot less crabby and mom had snacks". #hangry #snickerscommercial?

  3. Grand Canyon is on my bucket list! Will have to get all your travel tips! Although you are braver than us taking the camper out west. Alex doesn’t like taking it more than an 8 hour radius. Lol!

  4. Great photos — I can almost smell the mule 💩!! I hope your mom is a better hiking guide out there than she was in Las Vegas (another story prompt!!!)

    Keep up the blogging and the ice cream treats!!
