Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Day 2: Waterfalls in Mt. Pisgah National Forest

Today we went to sliding rock. It was super fun but,the water was freezing!
Molly had fun too but when she went down, she hurt her rump. Other things we did today: 
  • We hiked to a water fall
  • walked behind a water fall
  • Visited the Cradle of Forestry museum and bought Smoky Bear patches (Molly finally got to spend some of her money)
  • ate lunch in the car because it was raining (of course!)
  • Drove a crazy, twisty road to the top of Mt. Pisgah
  • Swam in the pool
  • Played giant Jenga and Dad lost
  • I made a fire


1 comment:

  1. Charlie, I missed a bunch of this yesterday. Thanks for your excellent post. Grandpa and I might have to try some if these sights. Keep having fun, but Always,always, be safe! Love you all. GRANDMA
