Sunday, August 13, 2017

Day 7: Welcome to Disney!

***Busy Day today. Guest Blogger Patrick is taking over because Charlie passed out.***

Bad news, gang. Today was kind of a long one and we are getting up early tomorrow to take on the Magic Kingdom. So the kids are in bed and you are stuck with me. First off, similar to all of our other days in the country's soggiest peninsula, it started out hot and humid. By 10 a.m. we had a heat index of 105 with 79% humidity. Needless to say, the process of packing up the camper had us soaked and stinky. But the good news is that it was only a 20 minute drive to the happiest place on earth. Yay!

Upon arrival, we were greeted at Fort Wilderness' main outpost by the friendliest of rangers who gave us the lowdown on everything we will need to know for the week. Luckily our site was open early so we cruised right in and set up. This is, by far, the nicest of sites on our adventure. I know it is hard to believe you can beat a KOA in Asheville or Savannah, but they found a way. Each site is totally secluded and plenty big. The best part is that we got an awesome site which backs right up to the canal. This, along with the flyer our ranger gave us which warns us to be on the lookout for gators and snakes has us super excited about unexpected guests at our site.

Oh, and speaking of unexpected guests, The Stache joined us in the camper this morning. Ever observant, not a single family member noticed. His stay was short. Word is, he needed his own MAgic Band so we left him in the Bob Evans lot outside Orlando.

Once we got settled into our site we checked out the awesome pool and water slide which are only a 3 minute bike ride from our site. When they cleared the entire pool area out for inclement weather (look out, Maguires are officially here!) we went back for naps in the camper. This only served to anger the beast (Molly). Once we got back up, we biked all over the campground to get our bearings and took another quick dip in the pool.

The best part of the day was the dinner that Hattie set up. We went to The Contemporary to eat at Chef Mickey's. The Contemporary is anything but. It's design looks more like 80's art deco meets Lego's attempt at the pyramids. However, the dinner was great. Chef Mickey puts on a real spread with his all you can eat buffet. I had ribs, prime rib, grilled chicken, mashed potatoes and ribs. Mom had a salad and some ribs. The kids tested out the mac and cheese and chicken tenders.

Mickey is better at food prep than dining etiquette. Throughout the meal, Mickey and all of his pals kept interrupting to sign autographs and get their pictures taken with us. Maybe they've been reading the blog, I don't know. Anythow, Molly was super excited that she got to dance in the middle of the restaurant with Donald. I have decided I will not look at a single food bill again before we leave here. Yikes.

After dinner, we rode the boat back to our campground. Oh yeah, when you camp, you take a boat everywhere you go. Pretty sweet. They wouldn't let me drive it, though.
We then hustled over to Chip and Dale's backyard bonfire. We got our picture taken with Chip (and learned that he is the one with the black nose). We also got to dance with Chip and Dale while some dude who was runner up on Nashville's Got Talent rocked out the campfire songs on the old six string.

It was then that we realized the day could get no better. We did bed time, had one last drink of water and tucked everybody in. Just as The Wife and I sat out side (near where we aren't allowed to have a campfire in our own site), the fireworks started. Yeah, so much for early to bed...

Tomorrow is the big day. If we survive the Happiest Place on Earth, we will tell you all about it.


  1. Fort wilderness also has the cleanest bathrooms you will find in a campground. I never saw anyone cleaning them. I think fairies do it while you aren't looking!

  2. Fantastic guest blog! This seems like a trip of a lifetime! All you need are some fire ants getting into the camper and it will be JUST like our one Disney trip as kids. Lol

  3. Wow, totally action packed. My Sunday Funday included laundry, shopping online and watching Ozark. Glad you guys made it to Disney world. Will want to it each of the Maguire's happiest place on Earth.

  4. Patrick.. grandma has tears in her eyes. You guys are just having so much fun. Stay well . Keep sharing! All! WATCH OUT FIR GATORS! HOW ABOUT A PICTURE OF A AMARILLO. KEEP Truckin
