Thursday, August 10, 2017

Day 4: Daytona Beach

This morning we left savana  and ate lunch in the camper and in florida, we saw a shark in a marsh.
AT THE WELCOME CENTER we eat free orange juice. Finally we got to daytona beach the only downside was the salt water.

three things we did at the beach we 
  • played with boggy boards
  • molly dug a hole
  • we got ice cream from a truck on the beach
molly says the trip is sweet so far.

The view from our campsite in Savannah this morning. Supposedly there are alligators in that lake. 

The Ocean! Dad and I did a lot of boogy boarding

Mom and Molly dug a hole. 

Molly drew a picture of herself swimming in the ocean.

This is Molly's picture of us at the beach in the rain yesterday. The extra people are Maria and Claudia but they aren't actually here. 
This is me blogging and my new sunglasses.


  1. Wow! Love those sunglasses! And the artwork! I love reading about your adventures - it's almost like we're there with you! Thanks for blogging, Charlie! Why didn't you like the salt water?

  2. Because I don't like how it tastes and gets in your mouth--charlie. Molly says "same with me"

  3. Oh you guys,are having such Fun. Pleeze,don't get to close,to alligtors!!! Love your writing Charlie.

  4. Honored to be in the picture and wishing we could be there for real!! I agree about salt water... not a big fan. Lakes are better. Also LOVING your shades Charlie! We'll all have to take a picture in our coolest sunglasses when you get back.
