Friday, August 11, 2017

Day 5: Legoland

Charlie is taking a blog break tonight...Molly is subbing in and Mom is typing.

Today we went to Legoland.  It was cool because of the rides and Charlie almost barfed once. (typist's note: Charlie is loudly refuting this claim.)

Some of my favorite things about legoland:

We didn't have to wait in any lines.

The Froggy Hop ride: You go up and then magically it goes down.

The Ninjago ride: you got to shoot everything

The roller coasters: Those were cool because they went high

The water park: It was awesome because the slides, when you went down, it was kinda scary--well, for teeny babies-- but it was dark and it went really fast.

The water ski show: There were pirates ad lego guys on water skis. They were doing tricks and they had a fight. It was cool. No, awesome!

We met Kai who is a Ninja on the show Lego Ninjago. Before I met him I was nervous about what to say. We took pictures of us doing ninja moves but I didn't really know what to do.

For lunch we had pizza. I ate a lot and I finished before Daddy.

One other cool thing was trading mini-figs. We took our own mini-figs and we could trade them with the people who worked there. I got some really cool ones. Mom and Dad's favorite has crazy hair and they say he looks like Bob Ross.

We were there a long time (9.5 hours). I am kind of tired. Good night, bye bye toot a loo!
💩👇💩💣💀🍮🍭 (Molly loves emojis)


  1. Wow, Molly! Great blog post! It sounds like you guys had a blast! I can't wait to see the mini-figs you got today when you get home!! 😋😎😱👻💩💩💩👯

  2. Molly..great blog.. you and Charlie and your. Mom and Dad are making our days very happy...i thought you'd be building with legos. Glad there was do much to do.🎶🎶🎶🎶you are the sunshine of my life...

  3. Its going to take,days to heareverything about your trip☀️☀️☀️☀️I hope you see Mickey,Minie, Goofy, and Donald....soon

  4. Molly I like the red ninja, which is Kai. Thanks for the post card. And I just got a new ninjago lego set I really want to play with you and it. I wish you could play with me really really soon.

